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전남대학교 교육문제연구소 뉴호라이즌(영문저널) 원고모집
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  • 2024-06-04 13:50:00

뉴호라이즌(영문저널) 2024 1호 원고모집



전남대학교 교육문제연구소에서 발행하는 영문학술지 뉴호라이즌 저널(편집위원장류지헌 교수 교육학과 교수) 2024 1호에 게재될 논문을 모집합니다『뉴호라이즌 저널』은 교육학 관련 이론 및 실제에 대한 연구 성과를 영문으로 게재하고 있으니여러분들의 소중한 연구결과들을 공유하는 기회가 되기를 바라며 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.



※ 논문의 주제 및 분야



○ 주제교육학 이론 및 실제와 관련된 자유 주제의 연구논문



○ 분야교육학 일반교육사교육철학교육사회학평생교육교육행정교육정책교사교육교육평가교육측정 및 통계교육과정교육공학교육심리상담심리 및 학교심리 등 교육학 전 분야



 2024 1호 발행예정일: 2024 7



○ 투고마감일: 2024 6 28



○ 접수방법:



저희 『뉴호라이즌 저널』은 온라인 논문투고시스템을 통한 원고접수를 원칙으로 하고 있습니다.






문의전남대학교 교육문제연구소(062) 530-2326





Call for Papers: New Horizon Educational Research (





Dear Scholars and Graduate Students,



We are thrilled to announce a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering innovation, insight, and academic excellence within the field of education. Our mission is to provide a platform for scholars and graduate students worldwide to share their research, contribute to advancing educational theories and practices, and engage in meaningful academic discourse.





Why Submit to New Horizon Educational Research (NHER)?



New Horizon Educational Research seeks to embrace a broad spectrum of perspectives, methodologies, and topics related to education. From pedagogy, curriculum development, and educational technology to policy analysis and beyond, we aim to cover the multifaceted dimensions of education. Our journal will be a conduit for cutting-edge research, debates, and discussions that can shape the educational landscape for future generations.





Eligibility for Submission



We welcome manuscript submissions from scholars and graduate students who have attained a master's level or higher. This is a splendid opportunity for academics and emerging researchers to contribute to the global conversation on education.





Publication Schedule



Our inaugural year will see the publication of two issues:



          The first issue in June 2024



          The second issue in December 2024





Submission Guidelines



To ensure the integrity and quality of our publication, all submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process. We encourage authors to prepare manuscripts that are innovative, thought- provoking, and adhere to the highest academic standards. For detailed submission guidelines, including formatting and citation styles, please visit our website,





Deadline for Submissions



To be considered for the June 2024 issue, please submit your manuscript by April 30.



Submissions for the December 2024 issue will be accepted until October 30.





How to Submit



Submissions can be made directly through our online submission system. If you have any questions regarding the submission process or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at





Join us at NHER as we embark on this exciting journey to explore new frontiers in educational research. Your contributions can help shape the future of education, inspire change, and promote a deeper understanding of teaching and learning processes.





Yong-Jik Lee



New Horizon Educational Research 

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