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[Vol.24 No.1] Jeeyoung CHUN, Sookyung LEE (2023) Analysis of Strategies for Quality Assurance in Online Education: The Implications of the Role of an Instructional Design Team to Support Faculty
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  • 3650
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  • 2023-04-30 00:18:57
This study investigates faculty support for quality assurance in online education, and offers suggestions for its improvement based on feedback from Instructional Design (ID) staff working at a public university in the U.S. Qualitative research using semi-structured interviews was conducted with seven ID staff in order to examine their perceptions regarding faculty support related to quality assurance in online education. The results of the data analysis indicate that four types of faculty support-quality assurance reviews using Quality Matter (QM) standards, templates, individual consultations with ongoing support, and monitoring-were offered for faculty. Faculty support for quality assurance in online education could be improved by developing specific quality assurance standards, recruiting external experts, examining learning effects, developing a quality assurance management system, and sharing documents among ID staff. This study highlights the necessity of quality assurance in online education and provides cases of faculty support in a real higher education setting.


Keywords : Quality assurance, Online education, Faculty support, Instructional design team, Quality assurance strategy, Higher education
  • 작성자
  • 비밀번호


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