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[ETI] 25권 2호 논문 온라인 발간 소식
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  • 2024-11-12 10:31:44

안녕하십니까 회원 여러분, 

한국 교육공학회 영문 학술지인 ETI(Educational Technology International)」에서 ETI(Educational Technology International)」 25권 2호의 논문을 발간하였습니다. 목차는 다음과 같습니다.

  ∙The Influence of Achievement Goals on the Centrality of Social Networks in Online Discussion 

 Hyunkyung LEE, Minho PARK and Younghoan CHO ················································ 161 

 ∙A Study on the Intention of South Korean University Students for Educational Utilization of ChatGPT 

 Hanho JEONG ········································································································ 189 

 ∙Learner Perception of an Educational Recommender System based on Relative Importance of Learner Variables 

 Woorin HWANG and Hyojeong SO ·········································································· 231 

 ∙An Exploratory Study of Elementary School Teachers' AI Competencies: Based on Teachers' Experiences and Perceptions 

 Seungyeon HAN and Jiyoung LIM ············································································ 261 

 ∙The Meaning of Personalized Learning Structures in AI-based Educational Platforms: From the Perspective of Learned Curriculum 

 Soojin KIM ·············································································································· 297

 ∙Institutional Perspectives on Personalized Education: A Topic Modeling Analysis of Korean News Media 

 Gayoung YUN and Jurang SHIN ············································································· 331 

 ∙The Mediating Effect of Online Student's LMS Literacy Between Motivation and Online Teaching Effectiveness: Focusing on the Importance of Technology Literacy After COVID-19 

 Jeongchul HEO, Jongwook OH, Eunchang NA and Sumi HAN ··································· 369 

 ∙Effects of Strategy Instruction Types and Working Memory on English Reading Skills of Middle School Students 

 Yuyu GU and Hoisoo KIM ······················································································ 393


아래 링크에서 ETI(Educational Technology International)」 25권 2호를 보실 수 있습니다.   

온라인 접속 방법은 다음과 같습니다. (현재 KCI와 교육공학회 사이트에서 확인 가능합니다.)

앞으로도 회원님의 지속적인 관심과 참여 부탁드리겠습니다. 


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